With the advent of full bottle shrink labels marketers have had a new world of packaging options open up to them. Never before has it been so easy for small producers to compete for attention on the shelf. Hand-in-hand with shrink labels’ popularity has been the increasing complexity of the shape and design of containers. When product managers or marketing teams decide on packaging, they often focus on uniqueness and customer appeal and do not put enough focus on possible production difficulties. The container shape chosen could make life difficult for the production person responsible for the quality of shrink on the finished package. The easiest possible container shape for heat shrink labelling is a perfect cylinder. However, this ideal container shape is often eschewed for a more complex—and eye-catching—design, potentially causing problems during label shrinking. Let’s explore some of the shape challenges you may encounter and how they affect shrinking:
There are remedies for the problems listed above but there is not a generic fix. Each application must be considered carefully and often requires its own unique heat shrink solution. Some examples of techniques and tricks to get a successful shrink are outlined below:
At STANMECH we’ve shrunk labels on a wide range of package shapes and sizes. If you’re having challenges getting your shrink labels to work, give us a call at 1-888-438-6324 or email [email protected]. Comments are closed.