Tools Needed:
Many of Leister’s tools utilize a lock pin to hold the nozzle in position during welding and cooldown. The lock pin is designed to snap if excessive force is put on the heater in order to prevent more expensive damage to the tool.
The most common reason for a lock pin to bend or break is the tool being lifted or carried incorrectly. The correct methods of carrying the tool are with both hands under the frame, or with one hand under the frame and the other holding the black carrying handle. In this guide, parts will be referred to using the numbers indicated in the VARIMAT V drawing below. As an example, see lock pin (79). Tools needed:
Note: Always change both brushes at once. If one brush needs to be changed, change them both.
If you are having problems with your power cord or extension cord, follow this checklist to confirm your power source and check your plugs, sockets and power cord:
If your tool is not powering down completely but you suspect a power problem, check your power source.
If you're building an extension cord for your Leister automatic tool such as the BITUMAT, VARIMAT, or VARIANT T1, here are some things to keep in mind:
It is recommended the BITUMAT be run with the temperature dial lower than 9, and not at 9 or 10.
Before turning the tool on, check the following:
Before shutting the power off:
The FUSION is not producing the correct heat
Symptom: Bad welds or low air volume